

Sweet Little Snickerdoodle
Oct 2, 2009


This precious kitty was found laying along side a busy road all curled up in a ball and crying in the socking rain. She was shivering and in a lot of pain. We took her to the vets and had her checked over and they said the pads on all four feet were damaged .They sedated her and cleaned them out. Someone had thrown her out of the car and she had skidded on the pavement and she had asphalt all ground into her feet. She was bruised up and hurting bad.  The doc cleaned her paws and bandaged them with medicated bandages ( green) She can hardly walk due to her condition.  How in the world someone could have done this to her I'll never know as she is the gentlest, sweetest little thing you ever saw. She loves to be cuddled and talked to. We think she is precious. She is on pain medicine in this picture so she looks a little unsettled but she is much better now. She is going to a very loving home (family member) when she is well enough. They love her and will give her all the Love she can handle.

 Updates coming!



Little Snickerdoodle

Having what was probably her first meal in a very long time. She was sooo hungrey!